CPUSA In Its Members Own Words: A Pamphlet

You may have read this article at the Clarion; it is now available in a stand-alone format as a print pamphlet for distribution!

The Communist Party of the USA’s long-delayed convention has been scheduled for June 7-9 of this year. The party has swollen in size over the past few years as class consciousness continues to rise among the working people of the U.S. Empire. The previous convention, held in 2019, should have triggered a convention in 2023 according to the CPUSA constitution. It didn’t. The leadership of the party wasn’t ready to admit so many new voices to the table.

If you read the newest article by CPUSA officer C.J. Atkins (managing editor of the party organ People’s World, and Executive Director of the pro-Canadian government NGO, ProudPolitics), How does the Communist Party elect its leadership, it’s clear that they still aren’t ready to admit new voices. We will address the hypocrisy that is the CPUSA constitution and the anti-democratic structure it enshrines to protect its opportunistic and careerist leadership below, but first we must deal with something that is purposefully hidden from new recruits in the CPUSA: the party’s own history.

For this reason, we urge the widest possible circulation of this pamphlet among the new recruits of the CPUSA, so they can make their choices clearly, and have their voices heard despite the pressure from the “national” organization. Only through real struggle — not the tame, leashed thing present at CPUSA conventions of the past century — can the party be vigorously purged of its opportunists and careerists and fit to participate in the revolutionary milieu of North American Communism.

Free PDF Download.


  • Comrade Editor J. Katsfoter

    Comrade Katsfoter has written numerous pieces on political economy for Peace, Land & Bread and other radical publications. He is known for his love of medieval studies, intense pedantry, and extremally detailed TTRPGs. He lives with four other enemies of the state: his wife, son, and two cats.

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