This guide is being republished by USU as an act of solidarity with the brave resistance fighters of Palestine
Never spread the occupation’s propaganda, and do not contribute to instilling a sense of defeat. This must be focused on, for soon, we will start talking about a massive invasion in Beit Lahia and Al-Nusseirat, for example. Never spread panic; be supportive of the resistance and do not spread any news broadcast by the occupation (forget about the ethics and impartiality of journalism; just as the zionist journalist is a fighter, so are you).
Basil Al Araj
Media Guide
The Resistance News Network shares this collaborative and unified guidance by Palestinian grassroots media organizers to leaders, organizations, media outlets, as well as organizations and individuals standing in solidarity to critically and accurately convey a consistent line regarding the current events in occupied Palestine.
This undertaking is in response to requests from industry reporters, editors, and producers who are seeking resources and authentic Palestinian perspectives. Industry reporters have access to a list of Palestinian sources, and these are underutilized for clear reasons of slanted propaganda. Hence if the below are not conveyed in the coverage of events in occupied Palestine, it is safe to ascertain the positionality of that media platform. This is not an exhaustive list of guidelines and resources, and RNN expects these recommendations to evolve as events evolve.
Section 1: Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and the Broader Context
Remember the broader context of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood as an event that manifested from prior conditions, namely, that: it comes from the Joint Operations Room in Gaza that is composed of many different factions, religions, and political ideologies yet united in princi- ples of liberation, goals, and tactics. This Joint Operations Room is accountable to a transnational formation called the Unity of the Fields. The conditions of Gaza and all Palestinians in the camps throughout the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, as well as those exiled, is manifested by over a century of settler colonialism that the United Kingdom and the United States have supported alongside NATO, the European Union, and others.
The Joint Operations Room has constantly warned against zionist violence, abduction of hostages, sieges, murder, and other atrocities for years now that have afflicted people throughout occupied Palestine, while the Unity of the Fields has amplified these warnings as people in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, and elsewhere have also been attacked by zionists. Despite these warnings, zionist leaders have continued their violent aggressions.
Section 2: Palestinian Liberation and the Zionist Entity
Anti-zionism means the dismantlement of the zionist entity. Anti-zionism does not mean post zionism, or that the “two sides” are “equal.” It is never over until imperialism is over. It is not over until all land, from the river to the sea, has been returned to the indigenous Palestinians and the occupation has been totally dismantled. It is never over until imperialism is over.
It is referred to as the zionist entity or “israel,” because it is a colony. The name of Palestine and all of the Palestinian villages are the permanent names and will never be erased. This is how Palestinians refer to their ancestral lands and villages after zionists ethnically cleansed the area in 1948.
The zionist entity encourages and rewards settlements with the support of the US, Europe, Ukraine, and elsewhere despite warnings from the Joint Operation Room, with even the U.S. issuing soft statements of staged accountability to the degenerate terms of the Oslo concessions, against the implications of settlement expansion. To Palestinians, the entirety of the zionist entity is a settlement.
Equality is NOT the cause of Palestinian liberation. There is no potential equality between the colonized and colonizer. The Palestinian liberation movement seeks the complete return of ancestral homeland and the return of its people to this land. Palestinians do not view this as a movement of “equality,” or ending “apartheid”. Liberal zionists and their lobbies hope Palestinians buy into this agenda but it is wholly rejected.
The zionist entity currently holds over 5,000 hostages in the occupation prisons, including women and children. It tortures them, abuses them, sexually assaults them, withholds medical treatment, trials experimental substances on them, and is slowly murdering them.
Section 3: Understanding Resistance
The resistance of Palestinians against violent settler colonialism is valid and it is not the role of any journal- ist or figure to decry this response, but rather to under- stand its manifestations. The right to resist via armed struggle is enshrined in international law (UN Res 45/130). However, it does not need Western law nor institutions for validation as this only centers the role of empire, colonialism, and capitalism. The Palestinian movement for liberation is against these institutions. This movement for self autonomy is inherent to the years long strategic formation of the Joint Operations Room in Gaza, the grassroots resistance throughout the occupied West Bank, the mobilization of Palestinians in historical occupied Palestine, and Palestinians everywhere.
This is NOT a sudden war. This is a long and steadfast resistance movement against settler colonialism: The resistance has been consistent since the British invasion of Palestine and onward against settler colonialism.
The Palestinian Authority is not an official government and does not represent the people. It is a product of US imperialism and the conciliatory Oslo Accords.
Section 4: Settler Colonialism and Accountability
“Israelis” are only victim to their own supremacist free-will and bad choices: All “israelis” are settlers and as settlers they partake in the risks associated to stealing land and resources. There is no such thing as an innocent settler. Zionists often have dual citizenship and easily enjoy access to the United States, while people in Gaza and the West Bank are trapped behind partition walls, military watchtowers, and surveillance mechanisms. All zionists, with very few exceptions, must serve.
Section 5: Media Framing and Engagement
Framing this as Hamas-“israel” is intentional to lend towards Islamophobic campaigns, which currently have resorted to calling Palestinians “barbaric” and “terror- ists,” terms that have been used against Palestinians and Arabs throughout their resistance journey. The revival of these terms is indicative of colonial insecurity to frame the native Palestinian as a caricature. The resistance is shoulder to shoulder, from Marxist to Islamist factions, responding to the call of Al-Qassam Brigades’ commander-in-chief Mohammed Deif.
Refuse “both sides” framing, because this is a severe power and resource imbalance. Zionists have nuclear capabilities and space weaponry and have been gladly selling and sharing this with other repressive move- ments around the world.
Framing the victim must center settler colonialism: Cries of victimhood from zionists and their apologetic allies often arise from their own internal contradictions. A sound journalist must explore these contradictions, whether related to class, identity, or other forms of self interest.
Framing the hero must center settler colonialism. This has never been a “holy war.”
Palestinians are Palestinian: “Arab israeli” is an offensive label and should not be used. It erases Palestinian identity and confuses Palestinians with “Mizrahi” and Sephardic settlers. “Palestinian citizens of israel” is often intentional- ly used to whitewash the zionist regime as seemingly democratic, when Palestinians who are occupied often face constant harassment, policing, and exploitation. It is important to note that Palestinians are unified across religion and region, and usage of skin-tone identity is typically a Western framing. One must also be careful of how they label a Palestinian in the West, as “Ameri- can-Palestinian” is not chosen and serves as a compliance label to imperialism. Palestinians are not in the West willingly, and their aspiration to return home, across generations, is important to respect in any interview.
Interview and center Palestinians on the ground as a priority since Palestinians are often spoken over or spoken for by insidious actors.
Section 6: Normalization, Humanitarianism, and Safety
Normalization means recognizing or engaging with the zionist entity in any form.
Normalization is treasonous and any suggestion of engaging with zionists is considered norming the abuser.
Organizations may claim a humanitarian approach but must be examined for their funders, as many who claim to uphold Palestinian life do so to identify vulnerable Palestinians to exploit them. Organizations under the umbrella of New Israel Fund and Foundation for Middle East Peace must be referenced carefully with this in mind, as they often reflect normalization agendas.
Be mindful of safety for Palestinians in the West should they be interviewed, as they are constantly surveilled, threatened, and blacklisted for any expression. Offer to allow anonymous positions, to blur out their photos, or to use false names to keep them safe from harassment and threats.
Be mindful of photos and video from actions and protests as these are often leveraged against Palestinians when they return to Palestine, when applying for jobs or schools, and even when trying to purchase homes. Seek permission before you photograph from organizers or individuals and provide options of safety.
Glory to the martyrs. Freedom for the prisoners. Healing to the wounded. Disgrace on the traitors. Victory to the resistance.
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- Fold the guide into three equal sections. The section that reads “MEDIA GUIDE” is the front page. The QR code should be on the back of your pamphlet.
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Thank you for what you do. I write on behalf of a small group of life-long pro-palestinian activists who have to keep a very low profile for lots of reasons that we need not waste time on here. We call ourselves different names and use different email addresses until they are discovered and we lose computers and have other unpleasant harrassments depending on our country bases and how much we are exposed. Today, I write from Dutch Palestinian Information Bureau and use email We are not catholics or journalists and we are quite old for this work, but have lots of useful experiences and have done some good things in lots of places. We need an email to share some of our work. We cannot use social media in most of our locations and so all use comments on Utube videos and occasionally email, which we have to change after very short periods for our group’s security. We are not pacifists. We strongly support Hamas and Hezbollah and spit on Fatah and the name of Arafat.
a selection of our comments archived on word here.;
What a liar ! The whole world knows who is dropping the bombs on Gaza and have already killed over 4000 women, elderly, children and handicapped, without humanity or pity. The Israeli terrorists had already killed over 800 people in the Gaza Strip this year, like every year, before the attacks, but no-one cared, particularly the USA who continued to refill the bomb and missile stores of the aggressors. The US watched and laughed as Israeli settlers murdered Palestinians in their homes, on the street and as they fled from their homes. The US laughed and re-filled the bomb stores. Then the settlers raided the holy Mosque on the Mount, attacking women and children and elderly, without respect for anything. The whole Muslim world was shocked and enraged. Still the USA laughed and made up excuses and lies.
Do you know much about the Israeli attack on the american spy ship, the USS Liberty, during the six day war ? How they continued the attack for almost 8 hours, killing first 34 sailors and hten many more, using napalm, bombs, rockets and even torpedoes from gun boats, while blocking all signals from the USS Liberty ??
Have a look at this video and the others on utube;
She says this because according to the Jewish books under the title of the TALMUD, all non-jews are to be considered as animals.
Here is the quote, directed to all jews by their book of racist superiority, provided to me by a jewish rabbi opposed to zionists;
“remember, jews, look on the house of goyim ( non-jews) as on the house of beasts ( non humans ) ”
Yes, Biden is a lying zionist racist apartheid criminal against humanity. But that is not a problem for the americans, who are totally complicit in the holocaust against the Palestinians. MSNBC, CNN, FOX, SKY and all the rest of the western media are controlled by the same ideology of the american empire. But, slowly, excruciatingly slowly, the 65% of the world who support Palestine, including the largest superpower, China, plus almost all Arab, African, Southern American, South East Asian and Muslim countries, are begining to move. In weeks, rather than months, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Egypt and some notable others, will join with this crowded concentration camp of starving refugees, to take back their freedom and dignity, if not their lives, from the dual terroristic axis of America and her thugs, the Israelis. Their crimes against humanity are denounced by the UN, Amnesty International, Save the Children and many, many others. They are pariahs in most of the civilized world. Read non-western controlled false news outlets. Get the truth.
the IDF are a terrorist organisation, found responsible by Amnesty International and UN bodies to be responsible for innumerable war crimes and crimes against humanity, with another enormous one under way at the moment. This is an apartheid state practising racism, genocide and an actual holocaust against civilians in the gaza strip. It is the largest and most cruel concentration camp in history, with 2.4 million people crammed into a tiny space where they are being bombed incessantly in front of the world, without food, water, medicines or escape. Shame, shame on the western media who refuse to show the truth. Over 5000 dead women, children, babies, elderly and others blown to pieces by US supplied rockets and bombs, weapons of mass destruction, as they used to say about Iraq and Sadam Hussein. His crimes are as nothing against what the US have done in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, vietnam, panama, haiti, etc etc. Now you are doing it again, in Gaza. Shame, shame, shame on the racists and genocidal maniacs of Israel and the USA.
Alan Dershowitz’s face and voice say it all. He strongly supports settler violence and theft of palestinian lands. He is an unrepentant zionist racist palestinian holocaust denier ! Look at this video of american Israeli telling us about the apartheid system she knows well in Israel;
According to the sacred and essential Jewish religious five rules books collected under the title of the TALMUD, all non-jews are to be considered as animals. Here is the quote, directed to all jews by their book of racist superiority, provided to me by a jewish rabbi opposed to zionists;
“remember, jews, look on the house of goyim ( non-jews) as on the house of beasts ( non humans ) ”
So we non-jews, including americans, are only animals in the sight of jews ! It explains a lot about why they have no problem with massacres of Palestinian children, women, elderly, handicapped or able bodied. Biden doesn’t mind, either, obviously.
How much do you know about the infamous Israeli attack on the American spy ship, the USS Liberty, during the six day war ? How they continued the merciless attack on a lightly armed ship for almost 8 hours, first killing 34 sailors, injuring more than one hundred, many of whom later died, using napalm, bombs, rockets and even torpedoes from gun boats, while blocking all emergency radio signals from the USS Liberty ?? Have a look at this video and the others on utube;
Look with your own eyes and see just how Israelis treated and treat Palestinians for seventy years, with USA support;
What an apartheid state allows the armed settlers to do to un-armed Palestinian farmers as they steal their land.
Or this lovely example of apartheid and racism in operation in this wonderful example of legalised theft, racist abuse and intimidation;
This happens every day to Palestinians. These vicious, violent racist settlers usually have US passports, homes in the US as well and have Israeli Army bodyguards when they go out to brutalise Palestinian farmers and their women and children. US money pays for all of this. It has been this way, every bloody, racist day, since 1948. Do not look away. Take responsability for what your government are paying for, with your tax dollars. Then look up the story of the USS Liberty here on utube.
General’s son miko peled
miko peled
Israeli bombardment does not happen in a vacuum. It is a direct repeat of the horrors inflicted on innocent Palestinians in their hundreds of thousands in 1948 when Israeli Terroristic groups like the Irgun and Stern gang massacred unarmed civilians to terrorise them to leave their homes and lands and cross borders to arab states, never being allowed to return. They are trying the same approach today, in Gaza. They are doing it on the West Bank, with terrorist settlers, protected by heavily armed Israeli soldiers and police thugs, violently abusing Palestinian farmers and driving them violently from their lands and homes, as the world looks away. No, it is not happening in a vacuum. It is a direct continuation of the massacres of over eight thousand palestinian children, women, elderly and handicapped regugees in the Lebanese refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilah, in september 1982, while the world watched. The killings happened over many days as the Israelis guided their Druze militia thugs while the beastial Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, came along to look, laugh and enjoy the sport, taking practice shots from the walls overlooking the sites, with his US supplied hand gun.The Israeli and US governments blocked all access to journalists and cameras as the Druze and Israeli contractors bulldozed houses packed with living refugees, crossing repeatedly over the rubble until the screams died out. You could not make this stuff up.
Who are the real nazis ? They are the zionist Israelis, paid and supported by USA dollars and diplomatic and military cover. Hamas are angels compared to the US and Israel.
Nelson Mandela’s just words,
Only china has the moral authority together with the pre-eminent super-power status to broker this peace deal. Thank you, China. Please stop the slaughter of the innocents in Gaza and the West Bank. I am ashamed that our leaders in Europe have been co-erced into staying silent, as Israel perpetrates genocide in front of us. It is Sabra and Shatilah all over again, just multiplied by very many hundreds of thousands. Please get clean water, medicines, food and hope to the poor children of Gaza, immediately. Please stop the monsters.
To 27 oct 2023 from Palestinian Peace Activists Netherlands
You are all aware of the positions of the major International Organisations from Amnesty International, the International Criminal Court and most recently, statements by the Secretary General of the UN, clearly condemning the slaughter of over ten thousand innocent civilians in Gaza and the criminal cutting off of water, electricity, food, medicines and fuel to over two million people , by the racist Israeli right-wing Government . You are also aware that this is a re-run of the terrible crimes against humanity of the Israeli militia in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilah in september 1982. You are also aware that this genocide if designed to drive Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank, into the Sinai Desert, to free up more land to be stolen from Palestinians for the rabidly violent Zionist Settlers who have been brutalising Palestinians from their land since 1948, with the active collusion of successive racist Israeli governments, funded by the USA. THis has all been widely researched and documented by the International Humanitarian organisations. Now, your council really wants to wade in, supportively, on the racist policies, the apartheid regime and the holocaust of Palestinians by the Zionist Israeli state ?? Where is your decency ? Where is your humanity ? Where is your sense of justice and fair play ?
We list below some very relevant utube links to let you enjoy, more fully, the vile reality of life for Palestinians under the yoke and missiles of your chosen partners in these crimes against humanity, the Israelis and their American co-defendants in future ICC trials;
Nelson Mandela’s just words, Maybe you have heard of him, out there in Australia ??
Israeli General’s son miko peled appealing for peace and justice for Palestinians
Israeli Peace Activist calls for an end to the genocide against Palestinians – miko peled
What an apartheid state allows the armed settlers to do to un-armed Palestinian farmers as they steal their land. Could this be tolerated in Waverly ??
We ask all right thinking Australians to learn the facts before being used by Israeli propagandists. This is not a War. It is a holocaust of innocents on an epic and 70 year long scale, happening today, with impunity.
WE are Peace Activists. We admire and support the brave Israeli and Palestinian Peace Activists, working to stop the slaughter.
Please stop being fellow criminals in this holocaust against the innocents. Get the facts, not Israeli propoganda to hide the awful truth.
We have very many similar videos. Try to look at them all. This was just a small selection. Inform yourself before you take the side of the racists and criminals against humanity.
Re-instate your courageous and admirable Deputy Mayor, Ludovico Fabiano and give back the responsibilities to his colleague, Dominic Wy Kanak, who also called for a humanitarian response.
Do not be fooled and shamelessly used by the bigotted, racist criminals against humanity and their pro-zionist enablers in your local community. Australians are not stupid
and they usually get around to the truth, given time and a bit of assistance. Get on the side of justice and human values. Spread the truth, not Israeli propoganda and downright lies.
Go look at utube videos and see what the truth is that they so want to hide from the world. Journalists are banned from the slaughter grounds and the pro Israeli/American press are blocking any stories telling the real truth. Utube is all we have left.
G’day brothers and sisters under the sun !
This is very funny. Since the advent of ASCMs ( anti ship cruise missiles) America’s aircraft carriers are now just very big targets for China’s hundreds of thousands of mobile ASCM batteries. The US Navy claims each aircraft carrier can block up to 40 simultaneous missile launches. Intelligence reports reveal that they may be able to stop up to 16 and certainly not 20. But as China can easily launch up to 200 at a time from land-based mobile batteries from all around South China Sea, the US Navy are only there on sufference until China wants to eliminate EVERY SINGLE US NAVY SHIP AND SUBMARINE IN LESS THAN 2 hours, ( most of them in less than ten minutes, if they wish) I suppose Trump forgot to mention that to that Australian packaging billionaire when he was spilling US Nuclear secrets ?? .
The US army, Marines and Air Force are out-classed, out-missiled, out furnished, supplied and trained than the old, largely obsolete and under-staffed and demoralised forces that the poor old US can barely afford to keep running on their broken budgets, dangerously low manpower levels and general obsolescence from the point of view of where their resources are invested. China would decimate the total armed forces of the dying US empire in the first six days of any conflict and using strategic nuclear missiles, achieve total defeat and surrender within thirty five days, at the most, according to most international experts.
Maybe they can dig up that draft dodger John Wayne and make some gung ho films to amuse the troops that are left, in China’s prisoner camps ? Or maybe get old President Bone Spurs to lead the charges ? Dreams can be very consoling, after reality becomes too much for all you poor racist genocidal colonialists, who like to pick on defenceless civilians in Gaza, rather than face a real challenge ! The world has changed and the bill is on the wa, after all the carnage and terrorism you have enjoyed for far too long. .
We are a diverse group of Peace Activists, based in the Netherlands, with contributors from across Europe, the Middle-East, America and Asia. We are all opposed to violent action, except in necessary self-defence and we oppose the genocide against the Palestinians that has brought us to Gaza, today. Because of previous posts, open corrispondence and advocacy actions, we have been hounded by Israeli Embassies and their agents both individually and as a group, with threats and false complaints used to drive us underground. It is a regular feature of Israeli propoganda and misuse of legal and other constraints. As a result, we use vpns and rotating anonymouse email addresses and informal social media platforms to keep networking and to advocate for action. Hence this address and ommission of a name or phone link, at this stage.
An Australian corrispondent shared the story of what is happenimg in Waverley NSW . We decided to send the letter shown below to the Council on their web site. We hope to use the story as a hook to open discussion on Israeli covert propoganda actions in your communities, if we can. What do you say ?
“We are a people of high moral character ” ???? Mr Ritter, sadly, you are really just another very deluded american, blind to the truths that are increasingly known to the rest of the world.. The US state department and the other dirty agencies that handle the lies, murders, genocides and black and wet work for the american empire, have always been predominantly populated by psychopaths and moral degenerates. It goes with the job. Moralists need not apply. The US Military-Industrial complex is an important part of your imperialist system that places american hegemony, profits and control of everyone else’s resources and freedoms over any concept of rights or freedoms even for life itself, for anyone else in the world. This “american exceptionalism” initiated and guided the most morally corrupt foreign policies that have seen the US play the role of the really worst threat to human life, rights, freedoms and development in human history. The US have killed and terrorised far more people in the world, since the thirties, than Hitler and Stalin combined. How ? Just some of the legion of horrific examples we know about now; Yes, Stalin murdered between thirty and fifty millions and Hitler another twelve to twenty, but the US’s self-serving choices and decisions made many of Stalin’s worst excesses possible. The US un-necessarily used nuclear weapons in two un-forgettable acts of horrific mass killings in Japan, AFTER the Japanese had offered to surrender, un-conditionally, at least three times. The US have directly or in-directly ( through the actions of their pet thugs, the Israelis or others ) murdered many millions of people all over the world in their appalling wars against usually much less well armed opponents, from Vietnam to Nicaragua, Cuba to Chile, Iraq to Syria, Afghanistan to Lebanon etc etc. etc The facts are too widely available, these days, for anyone to claim ignorance of them. Americans have been wilfully blind to these facts, for many generations. The development of ASCMs and now Hypersonic Missiles are simply examples of the inevitability of of the decline and imminent collapse of an american empire built on militarism, injustice, racism, terrorism and crimes against humanity, world-wide. You are right, Mr. Ritter, that China would/will decimate first and then totally destroy the offensive capability of american conventional and nuclear forces in the Indo-Pacific, middle-East, Eurasia, not just in the South China sea. The US has fewer friends now than at any point in it’s history. It’s appalling actions over too many years, have eroded all sympathies and soft power that it might once have enjoyed. Few will ultimately regret the passing of this dreadful empire of crime, greed and inhumanity. together, of course with your previously apex military capabilities. I too regret the world the US has created. It was not inevitable that it should have been so. But, every day, as we listen to the moral bankruptcy and arrogance of american politicians, military and industrial leaders, SC Justices, crazy but politically powerful evangelicals, feted war criminals like Kissinger et al and the great majority of your pundits and spokespersons, we are afraid of the increasing craziness of your actions. We remember your litany of past and current crimes against humanity and we begin to see that replacing your cruel empire, even with a Chinese Confucien one would, on balance, probably represent a step in the right direction .
Nelson Mandela’s just words, about the Israeli seventy year genocide of Palestinians
When will the Muslim Nations act, together ?? When can Pakistan share it’s nuclear stockpile with Iran and Turkey to block the US/ Israeli nuclear blackmail as part of their ethnic cleansing ?
The real truth;
Ah, why are we not surprised by the attempted use of the old deliberately false but previously useful trope of “anti-semitism.
BTW, all Palestinians are semites, while most Israelis are european and american jews and NOT true semites. Check the facts.
Why US and America escape ICC convictions
Of course. The permanent membership of the Security Council is currently absurd. The UK, USA , France and Russia are historical colonial aggressors who should be denied permanent membership . There should be no veto power for any country. The security council should be obliged to follow 75% decisions of the general assembly. It should be illegal with obligatory loss of voting rights for five years for powerful countries to bribe or coerce smaller countries for their votes.
other comments;
Of course it is illegal under any natural laws applied by human beings. So is the systematic and sustained ( 70 years ) ethnic cleansing, terrorising and colonialisation of Palestine by the USA and Israel. To avoid conviction under ICC, the US and Israel simply refuse to sign up for any such system of international accountability. They are clearly criminal states committing crimes against humanity, all over the world. But because they refuse to be accountable, using military and especially nuclear blackmail, to get their own way and to murder millions of people, we are all watching the holocaust of Palestine on live feeds on utube, every day, impotent to help our fellow innocents. This is not war. It is weapons of mass destruction in the hands of two terroristic states, operating outside international law, against unarmed and helpless civilians, many of them children and babes in arms. South Africa is right. We need an international force, not connected to USA or Israel, TO IMMEDIATELY ENTER GAZA; FROM THE SEA; TO STOP THIS ILLEGAL HOLOCAUST; NOW.
These isolationist jews/zionists hated the integrationalist jews who wished to marry with goyim etc ( Goyim are non-jews and are to be looked upon as animals by true jews, according to the zionist/jewish sacred books, the talmud. )
I have just started to watch and hope he covers the invitation from the purist-no-links -between -jews-and-goyim zionists and organised visit by Adolf Eichmann to Palestine, BEFORE the outbreak of WW2 when they proposed to Eichman that he collaborate with them to export Jews from Europe to Palestine.
Access blocked to archives by Zionists;
Adolf Eichmann’s Secret Visit to Palestine – The Librarians
WebAlmost three years before the outbreak of World War II, in 1937, a nondescript German bureaucrat by the name of Adolf Eichmann was sent on a covert visit to Mandatory Palestine, together with his direct supervisor in the Nazi party’s intelligence service (the
Access to link below to authentic, validated archived research about the European Zionists invitation and guided tour of Palestine for Adolf Eichman, three years before outbreak of WW2
is now being blocked by Zionists and Israeli authorities. Try to get in yourselves ?
. ; Adolf Eichmann’s Secret Visit to Palestine – The Librarians Web Almost three years before the outbreak of World War II, in 1937, a nondescript German bureaucrat by the name of Adolf Eichmann was sent on a covert visit to Mandatory Palestine, together with his direct supervisor in the Nazi party’s intelligence service (the…text ends here
Adolf Eichmann’s Secret Visit to Palestine – The Librarians
WebAlmost three years before the outbreak of World War II, in 1937, a nondescript German bureaucrat by the name of Adolf Eichmann was sent on a covert visit to Mandatory Palestine, together with his direct supervisor in the Nazi party’s intelligence service (the
Do not mix in Europeans with Americans . WE are NOT your supporters as you use your Zionist thugs to murder Palestinian babies in Gaza, as you conduct a 70 year HOLOCAUST AGAINST PALESTINE, as you colonialise and ethnically cleanse Palestine, with your WAR CRIMES. But, of course, this is the kind of war that cowardly americans like, with unarmed civilians against weapons of mass destruction ? Cowards, criminals against humanity, imperialists, racists. NO, do not paint Europeans with the same labels. WE are with Palestine.
These are US taxpayers dollars that the “Zionist Nazi influencers” are using to try to buy influencers across the social media to whitewash the genocide of Palestinian babies by the NAZI ISraeli State War Criminals. Go figure what side of the debate most are taking ? Have you looked up the story of the attack on the USS Liberty yet ??
Khamzat is a model for all of us. He is a heroe to more than just Muslims. I pray that every Muslim will take him as an inspiration and do ALL they can to push for a pan-Islamic military intervention in Gaza and the West Bank to push the nazi zionist racists back beyond the 1967 borders and completely out of all of jerusalem, taking back all lands and homes stolen by the Zionist colonisers since 1967 and even 1948.
Julius, please put aside your legitimate differences with ANC for a little and work with Rhamaphosa
to 1. cut all relationships between South Africa and the Nazi Zionist State of Israel , 2. Form an international economic boycott of all Israelian AND american exports, 3. Support the creation and immediate entry of an international military peace alliance into Gaza and the West Bank, to IMPOSE a ceasefire and ESTABLISH the machinery of the PALESTINIAN STATE, 4. Instruct the international military intervention force to push back all borders with Israel beyond all 1967 borders and also clear all IDF and USA forces from the entire city of Jerusalem, declaring it the capital of Palestine. 5. Mainain and support the International Peace Force on Palestinian lands until requested to leave by the Palestinian Government, denying all access to the lands of the new State to Israelis and americans civilian or military, UNLESS PROVIDED WITH A SHORT_TERM PASS BY THE PALESTINIAN BORDER CONTROL FORCES.
Perhaps the americans expect more blood of babies for their buck ? They already spend annually tens of billions of US dollars, in direct cash support to Israeli military arms and supports for ethnic cleansing, genocide and apartheid programmes against Palestinians, transfer FREE OF CHARGE the equivalent of almost 163 billion dollars of US advanced weapons development outcomes and technical plans and prototypes for new weapons and electronic warfare technology and related supplies plus invests millions in coercing US allies and others to support Israel in every way possible. Most of Europe is coerced and pressured into passing pro-zionist racist laws to kill free speech about Palestinian issues and forced to follow USA directives on foreign policy, like powerless satellite colonies. All western media are subservient to US ideology or are forced out of business quickly. This is NOT the free world, if it ever was !!!
Palestinians support Pakistan Muslims and want India out of the Punjab now. We ask that all Pakistani Muslims work and pray to support their Palestinian brothers. Tell Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq KAKAR that you want Pakistan to share your great stock of nuclear war-heads and military nuclear materials with those Muslim states that are preparing to attack Israel directly, like Turkey, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, before all our Palestinian brothers and sisters are massacred in ethnic cleansing and other war crimes. We know you cannot send troops or planes, but please send nuclear war-heads and materials, to counter the Israeli Nuclear blackmail.
Why has Saudi Arabia done nothing after attack on Al Aqsa ???
All Muslims should vow now to always do the following, for ever;
1. Boycott all american and Israeli products or products with parts made in those countries. Not easy to do but it is jihad now.
2. Force your government to cut all diplomatic and economic and military ties with these two enemies of Islam
3. Do all you can to support the Palestinian people to have their state based on pre 1967 borders and ALL of Jerusalem.
4. Fight to have a new pan Islamic military and economic alliance internationally to oppose American and Israeli genocide, imperialism and racism and to create an immediate intervention and peace keeping force in Palestine to create the Palestinian state immediately and defend it against America and Israel.
5. Cut all diplomatic and economic links with any US/Israeli allied country ( pro-zionist countries) that refuses to condemn and act in every way against the Israeli and American genocide against the Palestinian peoples.
6. Make your government force OPEC to raise the price of oil to all pro-zionist countries by 50% above market price, adding any country that acts as a middle-agent to the high-price list, indefinitely.
Congratulations to the USA for passing the three thousand babies blown to pieces by your high tec bombs in Gaza score. Soon you will reach five thousand. How powerful and inhuman you are. We are all in awe of your inhumanity and power. But we know your days are numbered.
Of course they do, with America footing the bill, financial, moral and geo-political future, such as it is.
America is totally shafted. It is weak, broke, morally corrupted and now a genocidal ethnic cleanser. You cannot go any lower than that, boys and girls. Soon the Pan Islamic Alliance, with major allies like China and Russia will agree and implement the action plan, without delay, on political, economic and military action to stop the ethnic cleansing, save the Palestinian population from the american and israeli holocaust and establish the new State of Palestine, on pre 1967 borders, including all of Jerusalem. Their direct ground forces, supported by over-powering air, sea and ground forces, from conventional to nuclear, will take back and protect the new Palestinian State, throwing out all the colonial racist ethnic cleansers and their american paymasters, without reference to American Institutions like the UN. Most of the real free world will be involved, with China, Russia, South Africa , Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Indonesia, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Quatar, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, and many others contributing troops, arms, including nuclear missiles if launched against them, as the americans did in Japan, in a massive human rejection of the imperialistic and racist , genocidal actions of the USA, aided by it’s companion terrorists, Israel. The time has come for the world to be finally free of colonialists and imperial racists using their weapons of mass destruction to enslave others. Long live Free Palestine.
This is a very important and educational intervention by the world’s pre-eminent super-power and in many important ways, the leader of the anti-colonialist free world. Wang Yi shows us here how a morally balanced and humane Super Power should behave. Contrast this humane Chinese Confucian approach to the angry, biased, mercenary and inhuman imperialism of the USA. The US is an active and eager participant in this internationally recognised war crime and genocide against the powerless Palestinian people. The USA has been a cruel and murderous colonial power for very many years, almost from its inception as a state. It has always treated smaller and weaker nations with disrespect, violence, threats and coercion, in following its own rapacious interests, in defiance of natural or international laws. It is doing the same thing here, in Palestine, working with and through its murderous fellow-racist mercenaries, the Zionist state of Israel. We see the terrible details on our televisions and hear the contrasting twisted lies of its subservient western media, trying to put the blame on Hamas or the Palestinian victims themselves. Maybe americans and Israelis are fooled or indoctrinated and blind to the facts ? I doubt it. Apartheid states are comfortable places for the masters and terrible places for its victims.
China, on the other hand, has a totally opposite philosophy and track record. It was a victim, many times, of imperialist colonial aggression. It uses its power to help, not to rape and pillage. It helps peoples all over the world, always underlining its inputs with the message that it will never interfere in the internal politics or rights of the citizens of other sovereign nations. It is an Anti-colonialist super-power. It is a guarantor of human rights for other nations, not a threat, like the USA is. This is why we do not fear Chinese expansion and growth, as we have learned to fear the appalling crimes of the USA. China is the only super-power with the moral authority to over-see a peace treaty for the establishment of the state of Palestine. The US must have no hand, act or part in any negotiations about this. However, it must pay for the damages done to generations of Palestinians, directly or through its murderous thugs, the zionists. That is only correct, under natural law.
We do not operate in the USa. That would be impossible for us. But we can operate on-line in limited ways, mostly commenting on Utube videos as in most cases we have no other platform to write to others on. We apologise for this, which probably sounds quite stupid to most of the young american people you deal with. But in many countries, state control and monitoring is linked with severe consequences also in arab countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia where the state is closely linked to american spying and torture agencies.