Chunka Luta and Decolonized Buffalo: Statement Against the “Patriotic” Socialist Hitlerites

The Editorial Board of Unity–Struggle–Unity Press have received the following communique from our comrades in the Chunka Luta Network and the Decolonized Buffalo podcast for republication.

We wholeheartedly endorse our comrades’ statements to the effect that they refuse to humor with “debate” the grifter representatives of the transparently social-fascist so-called “patriotic socialist” and “MAGA Communist” trends. We will not debate fascists; we will fight fascism relentlessly, as revolutionaries, and, when our day comes, crush it with ruthless revolutionary terror. The only platform to give a fascist is the scaffold from which we shall hang him. The victorious proletarian revolution will, in the end, summarily execute fascism, and leave every last fascist to rot in the ditch of historical reactions. 

We republish our comrades’ statement in full below.

Statement on debating Decolonization

Recently we were asked to “debate” a “leader” in the “maga-communist community” on the topic of Decolonization. While in the past we offered to debate this arrogant and ignorant individual, we decided that we already addressed settler “socialist” nationalist chauvinism, and we don’t need to associate with, nor platform, Decolonization deniers moving forward.

We recommend listening to:

As anyone can see, we have put out enough educational material to dispel any settler “patriotic socialist” rhetoric that is against Decolonization. We decided that we will continue to bring educational content. But most importantly:

The liberation of the Indigenous & Black communities is not up for debate. We set our own standard for liberation, and we do not need approval from settlers.

Pro-colonial, white-supremacist sensibilities have been the global cultural hegemony for the last 500 years. We have heard enough of it. Now is the time to counter and dominate these ways of thinking with our own theory and narrative. Euro-colonialism’s power is waning. Now is the time for us to assert ourselves and restrain European dominance to its domain within the confines of Europe. Platforming settlers that want to dismiss Decolonization, and continue Eurocentric rhetoric is not something we’re going to do. We are also not going to cater to any type of bad-faith conversations. We also recommend reading and listening to the many other Indigenous & Black revolutionaries to get a better understanding of Decolonization. We will continue to bring educational content that destroys settler colonialism, capitalism, & to bring all communities together in solidarity. Thank you.

Very Respectfully,

Decolonized Buffalo (Rick & Derek)

Chunka Luta Network (Sungmanitu Bluebird)

“The victory of the revolutionary proletariat is impossible unless this evil is combated, unless the opportunist, social-traitor leaders are exposed, discredited and expelled.”

Lenin, “Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder